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Old Wed Feb 21, 2007, 11:27am
archer archer is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 56
Gamer officals that dont wack coaches makes it worse for all of us.
I was working a District tour game last week and after we finished we stayed to watch a little of the next game.
Coach who is notorius for complaining who I have wacked on numerous occasions is all over this one offical. After a call that this offical made he starts on him. He tells the offical as he walks by to put the ball in play that he needs to look his kids in the eye and explain why he is cheating them. The offical acts like he didnt hear it. This guy is notorious for being a game fee man. So me being the hated offical who has nothing to do with the game he starts on me. He tells this guy that he is worse than me while he is pointing at me!
So I get dragged into this mess because there is an offical that lets this idiot yell at him all night long. I have to call the commissioner to report this behavior because the spineless offical wont. I enforce the rules as the book tells the officals to, and you are worried that the coach is going to black ball you? Or not give you a vote for a tour game? Someone earlier said it right.... They hate you and you cant be their buddy! If that is what you are doing, do us a favor and quit because you are making it worse for the rest of us.
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