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Old Tue Feb 20, 2007, 11:48pm
tribefan1952 tribefan1952 is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 45

Originally Posted by wmblue
I understand that Rule 4-4-1f says that a team can return to 9 players if they drop to 8.

Can this 9th player be:

1. Late arriving player
2. Sick player (not requiring a medical eval)
3. Player from Varsity (game over) playing in a JV game?
4. A player from a different school

An ejected player obviously stays that way, as does a player who have been restricted.


Any eligible substitute can fill the vacant spot in the lineup, even after several innings have passed. The 2007 case book provides several situations, including the first three you listed. (A player from a different school is not an eligible substitute.) The late-arriving players didn't have to be listed anywhere on the lineup card when the game started. It also doesn't matter what caused the team to be reduced to 8 players either (injury, ejection, band practice, girlfriend, etc...) A player who had received a concussion earlier in the game needs a medical doctor's written authorization to be eligible.

I hope this helps.
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