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Old Tue Feb 20, 2007, 11:48am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by 81artmonk
I just want to know your thoughts. At the end of a game when a team is down by a point or two they will be coached to foul a player in order to get them to the line and have a chance at the missed shot and rebound to get back into the game.
I am aware that any attempt to foul without going for the ball is by the rules considered intentional and is subject to two shots and the ball. In my 40 years of playing ball and a little of coaching, I have never had ANY ref ever call that. Until last week. Here's my situation. I have about 50% of the refs that call our games that state to me they would never make that call. They would consider that a simple foul and depending on the violations, would reward the ball out of bounds or to make shots, but wouldn't call it intentional. They know the rule, but don't call it.
What are your thoughts on games where refs, one game will call certain things, and other refs won't even if it is a rule?? Just my two cents worth, I think it's unfair. One week we get penalized for it and it costs us the game and the next week the oppossing team gets rewarded for doing it becuase the ref doesn't call it? If it's a rule it should be called.
The "problem" is that it's a judgment call, and different officials will have different judgment. In addition, the judgment is affected by the specific game and it's extremely unlikely that the exact same play happend in the different games.
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