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Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 05:24pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally Posted by Daryl H. Long
National Federation rules only:

Question: NF Rule 8-2-5 outlines criteria for calling the batter-baserunner out for interference. My question is does this include a person who has receive a base on balls? In other words, Can a batter who has been awarded first base because umpire called ball 4 commit interference on her way to first base?
Yes. NFHS has a long-standing interpretation that the running lane rule remains in effect on a base on balls and no obvious "play" is necessary. Obviously, other interference rules also remain in effect, since the ball is live.

Consider the situations below. In your judgement do you agree that base is awarded therefore we never can have interference OR are is there a situation you will call interference.

Situation 1: No one on base. B1 recieves a base on balls. She runs to first base in fair territory. Catcher throws the ball to first baseman but it hits B1 (a.) before she gets to 3 foot running lane or (b) near first base while she is outside the 3 foot lane. Did B1 commit interference?

Situation 2: Same as 1 but there is a runner/runners on base. Again apply (a) and (b).
I don't have interference in (a) unless the runner did something obvious to interfere with the throw. Merely running in fair territory doesn't do it. It is not a running lane violation since she has not yet reached the running lane.

(b) Is there a double base? How "near" is "near"

Runners on base makes no difference either way.
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