NF Rule 8-2-5: Interference or not?
National Federation rules only:
Question: NF Rule 8-2-5 outlines criteria for calling the batter-baserunner out for interference. My question is does this include a person who has receive a base on balls? In other words, Can a batter who has been awarded first base because umpire called ball 4 commit interference on her way to first base?
Our local association interpreter received a ruling from our state association who said that since 1st base is an awarded base there can be no interference. I disagree totally solely because even though an awarded base, in this situation (unlike other baserunning awards) the ball remains alive. Awarded bases must be run legally (NF 8-3-11).
NF Rule 8-2-5 also says "in the judgement of the umpire". Consider the situations below. In your judgement do you agree that base is awarded therefore we never can have interference OR are is there a situation you will call interference.
Situation 1: No one on base. B1 recieves a base on balls. She runs to first base in fair territory. Catcher throws the ball to first baseman but it hits B1 (a.) before she gets to 3 foot running lane or (b) near first base while she is outside the 3 foot lane. Did B1 commit interference?
Situation 2: Same as 1 but there is a runner/runners on base. Again apply (a) and (b).