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Old Mon Feb 18, 2002, 06:22pm
crew crew is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 451
here is what i would do.
since i had definate knowledge that the ball became loose because of the defensive player a trveling violation is not possible. i would immediately approach the calling official and say, "i have information to add." i then would say, "i am 100% sure the defense knocked the ball loose therefor he could not have traveled." i now would allow him to make the decision to stick with the travel or go inadvertent whistle. if he chose to stay with the travel i would say, "i will take full responsibility for the play." if he still wants to go with the travel then there is nothing more i can do to get the play correct.

the important issue here is to get the play right. this is what i would do in this situation and would be very disappointed in myself if i did not have the balls to step up and do all that i can to get the play correct.
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