Originally Posted by Dave Hensley
Here's where I'm coming from. Let's say Lieutenant Dan or littleboyblue posts an umpiring 101 question such as "what defines an umpire?" Let's say you or I or anybody else resists the temptation to make fun of him, and instead takes the time to type up and post a thoughtful, detailed response, with rule citations from section 9.00 and everything.
My answer does not belong to Lieutenant Dan; it belongs to me. And it belongs to every reader of the board, as long as I want my words to stay there. If Lieutenant Dan in a fit of pique or embarrassment or whatever decides to delete his post, he should be entitled to do that, but if deleting his post automatically wipes out MY post, made in good faith and intended not only as a reply to Lieutenant Dan but also as sharing the benefit of my experience with any other readers out there, that's gonna piss me off, legitimately, and that is a BUG, not a feature of the board software.
However, since, as you say, he is "entitled" to delete his thread starting post for whatever reason, he should be entitled to delete it completely. When one "quotes" his post, it is then contained in their post. The only way he can delete his post completely, is to delete the thread.
Again, I can accept that this is an unintended consequence of the the delete feature, but I don't have a problem with it.