Originally Posted by TheWhiteShadow
OK, maybe this was a bad example, so I'll just ask it generically instead.
Is there any situation where a glove comes off and it truly is unintentional, or is a player always responsible for his glove and thus it is always intentional? If CB 8.3.3.F is to be believed, then if there is such a thing as unintentional touching by a detached glove, it is not a penalty.
And if there is such a thing as unintentional touching by a detached glove, then I'm assuming by your previous answer to my question that it would be a "nothing" until something else causes the ball to be fair or foul?
See, I cannot understand you once again. I could cover 8.3.3.c which I have already mentioned. But I leave 8.3.3.f to someone with a little more updated info than I have in front of me or an understanding of 8.3.4 which penalizes defense for something else. Too many cherries and so little time to pick up on them all. Whiteshadow, let me know if your trolling through. Happy fishing.