2 Parents Getting Unruly
Hey Guys,
I am officiating a 7th and 8th grade house league where we keep no standings or stats and there are these 2 parents in the stands who keep yelling at me with obscene words "call something you fn idiot" and etc. So I turn around tell them to be quiet or I will issue a technical foul. I don't know if i can do this but I didn't know what else to do.
The supervisor of the league told me that I had the right to forfeit the game if they kept razzing me on and did not know that.
But to add to this these two guys had the audacity to come up to me after the game still complain to me and told me to call the game fair. I responded with I don't call the game fair, I call it on how I see it and I can't make every person in the gym happy.
I know these two parents will be back next game which is next Thursday. What steps should I take if they continue to talk, can I issue a technical or kick them out of the gym?