Even if the howler monkey is howling "Foul, foul", I won't call it if the kid makes a legitimate try for the ball and the contact isn't excessive. After all, that's what they're supposed to do on defense, isn't it?
The arguement about assuming whether the kid was listenting to the guy or not is pretty weak, I think. After all, do kids do everything the monkey tells them to do? Of course not - and a good thing, too!
BTW - there is a well-known girls coach around here who uses the code word "bananas" when he wants his girls to foul. He shouts, "Bananas, bananas, bananas, bananas!!!"
One of these days, someone (I wonder who) will answer his call and throw some at him.
Now you know the origin of the term "howler monkey".
Yom HaShoah