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Old Wed Feb 14, 2007, 03:04pm
cmathews cmathews is offline
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Originally Posted by deecee
ok so snaq -- by your #2 - what about an alley oop pass that goes awry and no one touches it but it hits the backboard and teh player that passed it recovers?

that covers #2. you are saying thats a try?
Don't know about snaq but to me, yep it is a try....and if he can alley oop it and go get it, and the defense doesn't stop him, well then good for him and shame on them....the fed even does this to some extent, if the ball is thrown from outside the 3 pt line and it goes in, it is 3pts...they don't want us trying to determine if little Johnny or Mary is throwing a pass or is just that poor fundamentally that we can't tell...
The officials lament, or the coaches excuses as it were: "I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you"
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