Originally Posted by Old School
I do have a weapon, I won't call it a secret weapon but it's something that works 90% of the time and I don't have to give a T, especially with calls like this. Feel free to use it. I grab my whistle and I look at the complaining coach and I'll say; "do you want to ref this game today?" "Tell you what, you ref the game and I'll sit down and coach." Most of the time the coaches will settle down and let me do my job, and it is my job to determine what is a 3-sec violation today, not theirs and I really don't care how you feel about it.
This might work with rec league coaches, but I can virtually guarantee if you try this with a high school or college coach, you have at least an 82.5783468018% chance of moving to a technical foul within 3.7 seconds (not taking into account the time it takes tomegun to issue and retract his stop sign.)