Earlier in the game he was ok....he's a "talker"...always something from "I think you missed it" to "That's a good call".....
The reason we were talking to begin with is he wanted an explanation on the foul at the other end, it was a "WHAT DID HE DO? kind of request....I gave him one and then he disagreed....I should have mentioned that in the first thread.....I don't know if "I need you in the box" were my exact words, but out association is BIG on using the 14 ft box and no more...we pregames that ahead of time knowing he liked to use all of it plus some.
I like the responses I'm getting on what else I could have done...been doing top two HS level (6 years) and JC and DII NAIA men's for 2 years....dealing with coaches is the hardest part for me...when to talk and when to not....
I also like the idea of letting them tell you what they saw too...BUT does anyone else have a hard time trying to officiate when talking to the coach, I guess I'm not much of a multi-tasker...I'd hate to miss one while coach A is bending my ear and now B will wonder why I missed one at the other end....
Do you really think it matters, Eddy?