Thread: charge or not
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Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 06:50pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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OOB Defense

From Kostja: "I never even thought about someone "playing defense" out of bounds"

In the last century, when I was in high school, my coach would teach us to play defense along the sideline with one foot touching the boundary line, especially in a trapping situation with a teammate coming in from the center of the court to set up a two-man trap. This was to insure that the offensive player didn't even have an inch to dribble by us along the sideline. In the past, I could set up with a foot on the boundary line and legally "take a charge". Not anymore. The rule changed a few years ago so that in order to have "legal guarding postion", the defender has to have both feet completely in bounds.
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