Originally Posted by MikeCapps
Happened in a girls varsity game I watched and the situation was posted on our association forum.
Designated spot throw in about 8 feet from the lane line.
A1 releases the ball out of bounds across the baseline toward a player on the other side of the basket.
B1 sticks out her foot and kicks the ball on the out of bounds side of the plane. The throw in pass was released and at least 3 feet out of the throwers hand.
Obviously we have a kicked ball violation and a clock re-set here in California, but is this a throw in violation? Is it a warning situation? Is it a technical foul.
All rule references I can find say that opponent of the thrower may not have any part of their person through the boundary until the ball is released on the throw in.
9-2-article 3.
The offensive team may not touch a throw ball on a designated spot throw in on the out of bounds side, but I can find no rule reference for the defense.
If this were after a made basket and the thrower was throwing to a eammate out of bounds then we have a technical.
It is obviously a technical if the ball is touched or slapped out of the hands of the thrower while in his/her possesion.In this case the ball was released.
A technical was issued and other in our association feel the same way, but I cannot fine anything in the rule book that would support this.
Any help, as in a rule reference, would be appreciated.
It is a warning for crossing the oob plane on a throw-in. Whistle, warn and try again. T if it happens again.
Edited - This post is incorrect for NFHS. See Snaqwells and Nevada posts below.
- SamIAm (Senior Registered User) - (Concerning all judgement calls - they depend on age, ability, and severity)
Last edited by SamIAm; Wed Feb 14, 2007 at 03:04pm.