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Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 11:58am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by GoodKolbeMan
I've wondered about this situation as we have leagues with this type rule and I had coached my daughter in the past where this rule was in force.

When a team A inbounds the ball in their backcourt by A1 rolling it and it has not been touched yet by A2, to me that is a loose ball in Team B's frontcourt and they should be able to go after it, i.e. no team control. Now, I know all hell would break loose from Team A if I weren't to whistle and tell them to get back, but....

Hasn't yet happened and my kids are now too old for me to be coaching and tell them to go get it, nor have I whispered to a coach my interpretation and explaining 'no team control' during a throw in to a rec coach would be futile. Better left alone, I think...
I guess it depends on the local rule, but if you can't (aren't allowed to) defend a "normal" inbounds pass (even though there's no team control), how can you defend / go after a "roll the ball" inbounds pass?
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