in this situation it could help your judgement on the play if you know what both the offense and the defense is doing. when officiating the big man vs smaller man, you want to be able to see the entire picture as well as the entire play. when a less athletic bigger player is matched up with a more athletic smaller player(dixon-fl st. vs boozer-duke) the matchup becomes very competitive. you have strength vs ability. boozer is much quicker than dixon and has the ability to go around dixon, but dixon is stronger and can hold his ground fairly well.
on the reverse side dixon on offense-his game has improved quite a bit, and he now has some legit offensive moves. he can spin, he has figured out how to take a step without traveling, and he gets called for some good moves though.
it is difficult now, and judgement is very crucial. you cant just watch the defense, you have to see what the offense is doing as well. it helps to take a step back and be very patient. see the out come of the play and then take in all the information to make a decision, whether its offensive, defensive, or nothing.
to define "ref a matchup"- right now i cannot give you a great definition, but i hope i have given a good example to help. when i get better and am able to give a better def. i will.