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Old Mon Feb 12, 2007, 04:13am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by SMEngmann

Fortunately here in CA there is a shot clock and there should be one in the rest of the country. I had a game in the summer in Nevada and a stall offense was used, I think it's an affront to the integrity of the game.
Were the games you worked in Reno or Vegas?

Personally, I would like to see a shot clock, but just to take the opposite opinion I have one word: DEFENSE.

Why can't a team play pressure defense and force a turnover?

I have not been impressed with the defense or shot selection of the CA teams that I have seen and I believe that it is a negative consequence of the shot clock. Teams who are used to playing with the shot clock are more willing to take worse shots or the first open look that they get even in games in which there isn't a shot clock. These same teams often fail to maintain their intensity and concentration at the defensive end for more than 30 seconds. These lapses have a way of resulting in easy scores for the opponent.

It can be argued that the shot clock is hurting the fundamentals of the game.
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