Originally Posted by REFVA
I have had the best season of my short seven season career. This is my third year doing Varsity games. Post season games start on Monday 2/12. we have a voting among the association. I'm not sure why becuase we don't follow the results. I was voted in many catagories with 8 and 9's with 10 being the best and my assignor only chooses to assign me one post season game. I even recieved great votes from the coaches. I am dissapointed tremedously. I never turned down any assignments not matter where or what they were. I was jerked around from location to location last minute many times. I was always praising and giving confidence to all my partner for trying their hardest and giving all they had. I went to 3 camps this year to learn as much as I could. I felt more confidence in myself. All he had to say was you earned it, but you didn't prove yourself. Yet he was never out there evaluating me, not once in seven years. I am ready to shelf this association. This association is true good ole boy network. One of my partner two weeks ago never did a game till this year and he had a Varsity level boys game he was one of my partners. I had to wait my way and work hard for my opportunity. This is a downer. I am ready to hang my sneakers... Do all association work the same way??
Do all associations work the same way as what? You only gave us your perception of your experience. I'm not going to jump to conclusions about your association based on that.
No association is perfect nor is any system. It sounds as if you are improving and advancing, even if it isn't as fast as you want. You got a playoff game this year. Congratulations.
If you love officiating, I don't think you should hang up your sneakers just because you did not get as many playoff games as you had hoped. But that is just me. You'll have to figure out that one for yourself.