Thread: pregame dunk
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Old Fri Feb 15, 2002, 01:41pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Lets look at the play from a different perspective. A13 is supposed to have his name in the scorebook and he dunks the ball at the (a) the 12 min. mark or (b) the 8 min. mark, and both cases A13's name is NOT in the scorebook. A13 is still going to be charged with a technical foul in either case and his name will have to be added to the scorebook. This situation is not any different than if A13 was not planning to play in the game that night and just wanted to be on the bench and in uniform.

Does this mean that if you discovered / were notified about A13 (who didn't dunk) sitting on the bench and not being in the book that you'd have him/her added and assess the T?

If so, I disagree -- if A13 is in uniform but doesn't play, s/he doesn't need to be added to the book.

As to the direction and when the Alternating Arrow is set. The AP is set toward B's basket when the ball is placed at Team B's disposal for the throw-in after the free throws for the technical foul(s).
I'd set the arrow toward A's basket.
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