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Old Sat Feb 10, 2007, 07:27pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Citation Please

Jurassic Referee:

Please give a rule citation for "the home book should be ready at least 10 minutes before the scheduled starting time". The only reference that I can find regarding this situation is in Rule 10, that both teams supply the correct names, numbers, and starters previous to the ten minute mark. If both coaches handed to both the home and visiting scorekeepers, and possibly a neutral scorekeeper, as in a state tournament game, a piece of paper with the correct names and numbers of their squad and their starters at the 11 minute mark, I would have a tough time invoking Rule 10, and giving a technical foul, if the table personnel aren't finished copying this information into the scorebooks at the 6 minute mark. In this specific situation, to whom would you give the technical foul? What if the visiting scorekeeper copied from the pieces of paper first and finished at the 10 minute mark and then gave the papers to the home scorkeeper, who didn't finsh copying the information into his or her book until the 8 minute mark?

Please respond with one of your well respected rule book or case book citations.

Last edited by BillyMac; Sat Feb 10, 2007 at 07:51pm.
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