Thread: whats the rule?
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Old Fri Feb 15, 2002, 12:21pm
tharbert tharbert is offline
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Posts: 188
As for Supref's response, it would have to get nasty to go to those extremes but it is still the administration's responsibility to handle it. It's no different than kids throwing m&ms or smarties (you can skate a long way on a smartie.) If the administration can't control the crownd, THEY may choose to clear the gym. Now, if it's a real safety issue, we can choose not to allow the game to continue until administrators have it under control to our satisfaction. If they can figure it out, call the game and go home. We may suggest removal of a heckler using foul language or someone we see throwing a ball on the court...

For minibasketball's, rely on game management to do their job.
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