yes - it is the coaches mistake. He/she ultimately responsible for making sure correct info is in the book. If they don't want to take the time from their "busy pregame schedule" to check and verify that the info is correct - it is their fault when a T occurs. If they check and find a mistake then they can chastise whoever was responsible - and there will be no need for a T. I was a varsity coach for many years as well as an official for 23 years so I understand both sides of this issue. It does not take that long to look in a book and see if everything is correct. I have not had a coach initial as in previous posts - but starting tonight I will. GREAT idea!!!!!!!!!!!!

I disagree strongly with even asking the coach to initialize anything. What are you gonna do if he doesn't want to do it? And, if he doesn't want to do it and a mistake is made by the "home" team's bookkeeper, are you still gonna call a T?
It is NOT the coach's responsibility to ensure table personnel has entered the data properly. He should have already checked it for accuracy when he SUBMITTED it to the table personnel. If you determine that he submitted it properly and correctly, why the T?
Bottom line, the coach's initialization does not relinquish his team's opportunity for you to use common sense in determining if the coach was at fault, or the table personnel was at fault.