Thu Feb 08, 2007, 02:03pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Western Washington
Posts: 112
Originally Posted by Ump29
Runner on second base (R2), nobody out, count 0-0: The fielders, for some reason, expect a bunt. That's why the first baseman has taken a position halfway between the mound and the first base foul line at about 50 feet distance from the batter (B1). Then, during the pitcher's delivery and while the runner from second is attempting a steal of third, the first baseman dashes in, and intercepts the pitched ball before it reaches the batter. He turns, and fires a perfect throw to the third baseman, who easily tags the runner three feet in front of the bag. What is the official result of this play?
TWP if there ever was one. Call it a balk based on 8.05a. With runners on base it is a balk when the pitcher makes any motion naturally associated with delivering the pitch and fails to make such. Award R2 3rd base, count is still 0-0 on the batter.