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Old Wed Feb 07, 2007, 07:22pm
OklahomaRef OklahomaRef is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 35
I do not know if anyone cares but I was not suspended from any games. Also, you may find this interesting. When this happened was in a tournament, we were not playing the host team, but the host coach was there to help "run the gym" whatever that means. When I got the second "T", I turned to him and said, "I get a horn at 20." This guy looked me right in the eye and said that wasn't right. Three days later we go back over there for Varsity, and he tells me that he was right, and I should have been ejected. I cited the rule you guys gave me on here, and after a brief arguement (light hearted), he said I'll prove it's not in there. He gets the book out, I tell him the rule number. It's there plain as day. He apologizes, says he'll write a letter on my behalf if needed. Said all that to say, Thank you to you guys that helped me out.
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