I am interested to response of this situration. I am an official, and my wife is the JV coach for a high school team. Here is the situation. The varsity game is being played between team A, and team B. She is on the bench, when the opposing coach team B gets a T. After the T, the game becomes a blowout with team A in favor. Team A sub the JV players into the game with 2 minutes to go in the game and Varsity coach for team A lets my wife start to coach since it is her kids playing. She is standing and coaching her kids not saying anything to the officials. With 30 second to go the official that gave the T comes and tells my wife that she needs to sit down. So my wife did, but doesn't understand why. The same two teams played, again, about three weeks latter, the same official works the game. This official before the game tells the coach she gave the T to, that she would like to get along and not have any problems. Before the pregame with the coaches, this official asks her partner to go and tell my wife's varsity coach that, my wife must remain seated. Now I no the rule that the assistant coach may not stand, and I explained this to my wife, but I don't agree in looking for something that is not a problem. I believe she should be able to stand if she is coaching the kids, since the game if for the kids and not officials. Also, I don't believe in talking to coaches about a previous experience, that i have had with them.
I would like a little discussion about the situation