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Old Tue Feb 06, 2007, 11:36am
Old School Old School is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 1,097
Originally Posted by SWMOzebra
ME: Coach, I'm not going to tolerate that kind of unsportsman like conduct. Have a seat.
COACH: I wasn't talking to you, so tell me what I did to you to earn a T?
ME: Have a seat, coach. I don't care who you were talking to.
COACH: If it's so bad, why didn't your partner call the T?
PARTNER: Coach, please sit don't want the second one.
COACH: (a few more steps onto the floor, now out about 5' in front of table) I just want to know why he called the foul and not you.
ME: *tweet* Second technical foul, the game will not continue until you leave the building.

Thanks for letting me vent, needed to unload to folks who understand. All I got from the wife was she thought my blood sugar was low and I should drink a "Powerade" during the 4th game!
No problem on the venting but I agree with your wife. You let the coach get to you. I don't think coaches have to pass a class and get 80% on a test to qualify to be a coach. Remember that. Don't assume that everyone knows the rules. I always recommend giving people the benefit of the doubt.

Your correspondence with the coach was condescending, IMHO. The coach asked you a question on why he got a technical? Nobody answered that. Coach: you got the T because you threw the clipboard down. Walk away, don't antagonize him. When the coach says, If it's so bad, why didn't your partner call the T? That question doesn't deserve an answer or a response from you or your partner. I can't think of anything that you can say that going to answer that question and not lead to more unpleasant discussions. You answered his initial question, he now knows why he got the T, walk away to administrator F/T's. Last, only respond to questions asked respectively. Do not, repeat, do not respond to questions by a coach that are dumb or not appropiate, and remember, you do not have to answer every questions.
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