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Old Tue Feb 06, 2007, 10:22am
SWMOzebra SWMOzebra is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 266
vent, vent, vent...

Sorry, talking to the wife about this didn't really cut it last night! When I talk bball to her she gets that same glazed-over look in her eyes I get when she talks volleyball to me!

Very competitive boys 6th grade league last night and I'm on my 5th (and last game). Coaches pretty much behaving themselves, except for the occassional "Foul!" shout. Naturally, as the clock winds down the losing coach begins to get more and more vocal - mostly with my partner. I ask P about it at a TO and he says he can handle it.

About 2 mins. left in the game and P calls a foul on the floor under this coach's basket. I was not watching the paint and didn't see the contact, but from the trail I do see the coach shout "That was a shooting foul!" and slam his clipboard down on the bench. I run straight over and *tweet* an unsporting T on the coach. I turn to the other coach and ask for a shooter as I begin walking toward the opposite basket.

My P goes tableside as the offending coach walks onto the court several steps to ask me what he did to get the T. I turn and take a couple of steps toward him and from there it goes like this:

ME: Coach, I'm not going to tolerate that kind of unsportsman like conduct. Have a seat.
COACH: I wasn't talking to you, so tell me what I did to you to earn a T?
ME: Have a seat, coach. I don't care who you were talking to.
COACH: If it's so bad, why didn't your partner call the T?
PARTNER: Coach, please sit don't want the second one.
COACH: (a few more steps onto the floor, now out about 5' in front of table) I just want to know why he called the foul and not you.
ME: *tweet* Second technical foul, the game will not continue until you leave the building.

Game mgmt escorts him out of the building and we finish the game. Both parnter and game mgmt agreed that this was handled properly.

Thanks for letting me vent, needed to unload to folks who understand. All I got from the wife was she thought my blood sugar was low and I should drink a "Powerade" during the 4th game!
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
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