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Old Sun Feb 04, 2007, 12:39pm
Old School Old School is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by tarheelcoach
Also, in one of the games, there was a fan that just would not shut up. He wasn't swearing, but his comments got worse and worse as the game went along, and he started getting personal (You're an idiot, your pathetic, that kind of stuff). Would you have ejected him? I didn't pay him any attention, though I alerted the gym supervisor that I was considering tossing the guy I never got to that. If it was a coach, he would have been long gone - should I have the same criteria for fans?
Should you have the same criteria for fans as coaches. Yes, if they get personal.

Would I have ejected him? No!

The minute he got personal, stop the game. Give him a warning. I'm not being paid enough to listen to that. I would ask him if he wants to do this. Offer him the whistle. From here on, everytime he opens his mouth, look at him (the stare) waiting for him to make the next comment. If he says something you don't like. Goodbye.... More often than not, the warning will settle them down. In fact, I have to admit. I am 100% for my warnings. It always settles them down. I also like what Dan_Ref said, classic, I might have to use that one.
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