I am going to go on a rant here. Feel free to respond (or not) it if you like.
Never more than now has there been a need for an ongoing, fair system of referee evaluation as well as coach, facility and crowd evaluation. For the official to be impartially evaluated it must be done by an observer who has NO stake in the game being evaluated. A coach should NEVER be the one to do the evaluation of an official, because all he/she will remember at the time is whether his/her team won the game and the one or two calls he/she feels cost his/her team the loss. Nevermind that the official wasn't the one who couldn't hit free throws, hit the ocean from a boat(make an open shot), or was the one who repeatedly turned the ball over. In the coaches mind the official was to blame if the team lost. What a chapter needs is a fair and balanced system whereby the evaluator is a neutral party, with nothing at stake to handle these critical evaluations that are ONGOING. ONCE IS NOT ENOUGH!!! It should also be requisite upon the officials who have the following game(where applicable) to complete an evaluation of the previous crew. These are important and beneficial to everyone, from the up and coming to the much more seasoned official, because there are always things that others can spot to be corrected that you may not see. This information could be put in a refs file for the coaches to look at the picking meetings, in order to better assist the coaches selections when they need to inquire about partcular officials. Evaluation of coaches are also necessary, due to some of their antics. How do they handle their bench, are they always out of their coaches box, are they constantly chirping (*****ing, moaning, whining, crying) about everything at the officials during the game? These issues have a negative affect on the officials' game and are cause for concern! The facility is also something that needs to be evaluated. From the MS to the HS is an APPROPRIATE place to change and to have a pregame provided, especially when mixed crew male/female officials are involved?
'Nuff said!