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Old Wed Jan 31, 2007, 11:39am
greymule greymule is offline
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From CNN yesterday:

"A man prosecutors said was one of the nation's most active child molesters was sentenced Monday to 150 years in prison for abusing two 12-year-old boys.

"Dean Arthur Schwartzmiller, 64, who also had been convicted of sexual assaults in several states over three decades, was sentenced to the maximum term on 11 felony counts of child molestation and one misdemeanor charge of child pornography possession.

". . . prosecutor Steve Fein showed jurors a map of the 'places and decades where the defendant has molested young boys.' It included an estimated 100 accusers dating to 1969 in eight U.S. states, Mexico and Brazil.

"He didn't register as a sex offender so he did not appear in the 'Megan's Law' databases in California or other states, police said."

So a BI wouldn't have caught this guy.

But at least it will screen out the 35-year-old umpire who at age 15 pinched a girl's rear end.

PS. "convicted of sexual assaults in several states over three decades" ??

Why wasn't this guy locked up and the key thrown away long ago?
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