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Old Wed Jan 31, 2007, 12:03am
ChrisSportsFan ChrisSportsFan is offline
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1. HHS's head coach does not have much integrity after his statements.
2. HHS's asst coach has less integrity than the head coach. Why would he want to represent this player who clearly did wrong? Oh yea, he also wants to win the "national title".
3. He was not ejected for the bump so let's forget about that for a minute. He received 2 T's and was ejected. IMO, both were warrented although it would have been way way better if one of the other officials had participated.
4. Seems like a teammate or 2 would have gotten ahold of OJ and kept him away from the second.
5. OJ is now officially bigger than the game.
6. As Dan said earlier...of course a WV judge would allow him to play. Let another state judge make this decision and I bet it wouldn't turn out the same.
7. This Judge is now officially bigger than the game.
8. The fall didn't seem to match the bump. I'd probably no-call that contact.
9. IMO, the officials should not give up the game. If that's going to happen, the entire association needs to stand united on that decision.
10. What's up with the news reporter carrying on about a WWF match? Sounds like he's one of the HHS homers from that blog site.
11. Those folks on the blog are obviously fans who watch with their hearts and not their eyes/minds.
12. It's funny how when interviewed, OJ almost became the victum for not getting to represent WV. That's all he ever wanted to do.
13. What about any other player or coach that gets 2 T's in the future? Are they going to have to add another play in the casebook to help us understand how to handle this in the future? I would hate to eject a kid for 2 T's and he's really supposed to keep playing..!!??

That's all I've got to say for now. If I have more later, I'll report back. Stay tuned.
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?