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Old Tue Jan 30, 2007, 05:49pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by deecee
how do they not have a dog in the fight

a fellow official ejected a player who apparently was an azz and bumped him -- he gets to play and just because of location they dont have a dog in the fight.

this is the kind of lack of unity I talk about. grow some gonads and stand up for your job/hobby/prefession whatever you call it.
Lack of unity? Can we quit the hyperbole for just a second here? If we were not discussing this here, I would not even know the circumstances. It is not my job to stand by every single official when I do not know the circumstances (and likely the officials working the game have little knowledge of the circumstances) and when the state issued a punishment. The court told them to he could play, not the officials. The state even enforced their rules.

The only person the officials would hurt would be themselves and the assignor who would have to scramble to get replacements at the last minute (which might be harder than you realize). Walking away from the game is not going to change the court's decision or the outcome.

What I would do is OJ and other teammates would be on very thin ice. They better not complain about any calls or taunt any players. I would also feel the same way about the other team because they might try to get under OJ's and his teammates skin. I would be a big part of my pre-game and if OJ decided that he did not want to play along, he would not be around to finish the game.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)