Originally Posted by JRutledge
I think that is unrealistic. You want the officials to turn back a game, put the assignor in a bind to change assignments to fill the games? I do not think it is about supporting fellow officials, it is putting themselves in a bad situation if they do such a thing. If they want to support their officials there are other ways to do this. If anything you require the teams be on their best behavior and you penalize any action that might teeter on unsportsmanlike behavior. That sounds like the obvious thing to do, but not very realistic. I might eliminate every game with that assignor and other assignors if I made such a choice.
Actually, the statement that the NC officials have no dog in this fight is right on. Do these guys have anything to gain? I doubt it. Does this kid have anything to gain? Sure, he just showed the world he is more important than anyone else in the game at this level.
The guys working this game will be scrutinized beyond reasonability. They have two choices. Let the players go and risk the game getting out of control (obviously, the coach is useless) or call a tight game and get blamed for "picking on" the next Lebron James no matter how accurate the calls. Of course, a third option is to make sure all the fouls even out, but that wouldn't be right either.
I think you are correct that the officials shouldn't call off. IMO, what should be done is the
association notify the organizer of the game that they will not be able to accommodate their request for officials.
The messenger might then want to suggest s/he call the judge who issued the temporary injunction (which is probably not effective in another state) to send three officials down to cover the mess the court created.

Just kidding, but I would love to see that judges reaction to such a statement.
Those who know me from other boards are aware I'm not a basketball guy, barely a fan at times. However, I am a fan of sports officials, common sense and sportsmanship. From what I've read, it seems two of the three have left the building on this one.