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Old Mon Jan 29, 2007, 09:10pm
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Problem is the defenders rarely cross the path of another defender in close proximaty and if they don't get to where they need to be to field the ball, they have a few others to back them up.

Umpires must get to a certain point and at times weave their way through the defenders and runners and usually only has one back up who often has their own issues.

However, I don't have a problem with the "ready" position as long as the umpire gets to where they need to be.
You dont need to "get" where you need on a pitch in A. You can start there. You may need to get somewhere from your ideal starting position.. but you do just as well ready in A than bee bopping around to find your spot prepitch.

I really dont get this one. This is a feel good "ohh we cant think of anything else so we are gonna dream this up", it has no reality or necessity or benefit.
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