Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
I don't think this is wasted as a valid argument. Nothing is going to stop a predator. Okay, we don't give him/her an ASA uniform. Is that still going to stop the person from staying at the same motel, hanging around the ball fields, volunteering to work the grill (BTW, are they being checked? They've got goodies to offer), or making contact away from the field? The answer is a resounding no.
Perhaps, but perhaps not. Put an ASA uniform on them, though, and they immediately gain familiarity, approachability, and in some cases trust. Believe me ... right wrong or indifferent, if I were to see a player I recognized walking home from school one day, and offered a ride (I will NOT do this - opens to many bad possibilities ... but if I did...), I guarantee 90% of the girls that recognized me out of uniform would accept the offer. The uniform, and/or the familiarity that comes with working games in a local area DOES remove the "stranger" aspect.