You have hit the nail on the head. Referees are not robots. We are there to use out judgement. If the slapping of the ball is considered (by the individual referee, in the particular situation) to be an unsportsmanlike act - then by all means, call a technical foul for unsportsmanlike behaviour.
If the referee feels that it was not an unsportsmanlike act, but is wasting time, then start the five second count.
If the referee feels that the player lost control of the ball, whilst attempting to pick it up - call nothing, maybe stop the clock to allow the team to retrieve the ball.
This is the wonder of being a sentient being - we can think and make judgements according to specific situations.
I agree with everything that has been posted here so far. You can have a T, 5-second count, or nothing - but the T can't be for delay of game, only for unsportsmanlike behaviour.