Originally Posted by WestMichBlue
For years I have used the same technique used by defensive ball players. On the pitch shift your weight forward over the balls of the feet. If the ball is hit, your body is ready to take that first step.
If the ball is not hit, then the weight shift normally causes a small step anyway. Then you re-set and do it again. If it works for players that have to get off on the batted ball quickly, then why should umpires have to take a step? I suspect that most umpires are former players and it (weight shift) should be a natural action.
Problem is the defenders rarely cross the path of another defender in close proximaty and if they don't get to where they need to be to field the ball, they have a few others to back them up.
Umpires must get to a certain point and at times weave their way through the defenders and runners and usually only has one back up who often has their own issues.
However, I don't have a problem with the "ready" position as long as the umpire gets to where they need to be.