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Old Mon Jan 29, 2007, 12:36am
rulesmaven rulesmaven is offline
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Originally Posted by nakemiin
3. I never said all officials are bad -- go back and read my posts. The comment I made that sticks in your craw is the assertion that if an official has a pattern (over games or seasons) of making poor calls then he or she should be removed. Why is that so extreme, and so difficult for you to appreciate?
Holy backtracking. So after reading you go on and on, your point is that bad officials should not get more work?

If so, you can probably stop posting. Your covered. The officials at the level you've been discussing are scrutinized to a level that would cause most of us to, I imagine, wither severely if we were exposed to it in our day jobs.

I think where people are bristling, and the place where you're coming off as extremely unself-aware, is your implication that you're in position to be the judge. When you try to back it up by noting that a ref in a game you watched on tv missed a GT call, you just embarrass yourself.