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Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 09:55pm
nakemiin nakemiin is offline
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Posts: 17
Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
You really don't get it, do you?

Whatinthehell do you think YOU are doing? You don't know a damn thing about basketball officiating-the rules, mechanics or philosophies- and you've never officiated a basketball game in your damn life...but YOU think that you're eminently qualified to judge top-level NCAA D1 basketball officials? Well, what's wrong with that picture, fanboy?

And you think that I'm being vindicitive, but YOU can't see anything wrong with YOU coming on this website and crapping all over basketball officials.

Give your head a shake, fanboy. Then screw off.
1. Upon what do you base your assertion --- you don't know anything about the depth of my knowledge about the rule, mechanics or philosophies.

2. As I have attempted to explain before, but you are too dense to appreciate, is that you don't have to BE an official to know the rules and be able to see when a call is in error. Based on your lame assertions, if you have never umpired a tennis match you could never even comment on whether the ball lands outside the court, or hits the net on a serve. Can't you see how patently ridiculous you position is? (No, I suppose not -- which is precisely the problem.)

3. I never said all officials are bad -- go back and read my posts. The comment I made that sticks in your craw is the assertion that if an official has a pattern (over games or seasons) of making poor calls then he or she should be removed. Why is that so extreme, and so difficult for you to appreciate?

You language and tone indicate you are, if not uneducated, at least crude and rude. I'm beginning to doubt if you are even an official -- perhaps a 16 or 17 year old masquerading as one.