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Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 06:39pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally Posted by nakemiin
While not an official referee I have not only watched countless games, played in games, and (more importantly) studied the official rules (including the changes from year to year). My qualifications -- probably none by your implied standards, other than a love of the game, a thorough understanding of the game, indepth understanding of the rules. Based on your definition no one who has not officiated in a specific sport has any right to question any on floor ruling. What nonsense.

What I DID say was that if there is a pattern of poor performance, wrong calls (flagrant), then they should be removed.
Well, how about this, fanboy....

You post where and when you're next soccer game is. I'll come to your game and watch you for a few minutes. Now, I don't know the first damn thing about soccer or the rules, but that ain't gonna make any nevermind to me. Nosiree, fanboy, it surashell ain't. I'll write a letter to your local newspaper and your officiating association demanding that you never be allowed to officiate another soccer game in your life. I'll tell them that I've literally seen dozens of soccer games on tv, and it's obvious to me as an extremely qualified expert that there is certainly a pattern of poor performance attached to your game-calling. Has your local soccer refereeing association got a website too? Please give the addy also so that I can make numerous posts there about your shoddy officiating.

Does that sound just about right to you?

Last edited by Jurassic Referee; Sat Jan 27, 2007 at 06:47pm.