Originally Posted by chuck chopper
Over the past 24 hrs I have talked to many local people about this. It is generally felt that we Umpires will just say no to this request. It also appears its just a local thing coming from a new Regional Commish. now assigned to Md. This will not change a thing for the regular games we do all year long. However the Assigners are going to get real grief from the Brass they answer to. Then perhaps? when its time for State championship games the brass will tell the assigner don't use any Umps that wouldn't sign the waiver. Who does that hurt?-only the assigner. There is a clinic Feb 24th and I'm sure this topic will be discussed.
Actually, a conversation with this not-so-new
state commissioner was what caused me to initiate this post.
BTW, if that is the prerequisite to JO states, I may have to tell the JO commissioner to get his own umpires as I will not have enough to service the tournament.