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Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 08:41am
SanDiegoSteve SanDiegoSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by BigUmp56
What do you do with the guy that shows up 10 minutes before the scheduled start time wearing plate pants and ball bags thinking he's on the stick for the game?
We don't have that problem here normally, because we are required to contact our partner the night before the contest, in order to discuss who has what, what uniform we will be wearing, where to park, what kind of vehicle to look for, game time, what time we will meet for pregame conference, etc.

We have a policy to arrive 30 minutes prior to games. If possible, I arrive 45 minutes to an hour before game time, but some guys are coming straight from their work, and they get a little wiggle room for traffic. We are to walk on the field no later than 10 minutes prior to game time.

I did have a guy show up late with his gear on when I was dressed and scheduled to work the plate. I made the guy take his stuff off and work the bases like he was supposed to.
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