Originally Posted by phansen
Defender is set and stationary when the offensive player dribbling the ball runs into the defender. Offensive player bounces off the defender and goes to the ground, while the defender is still standing in the same position. I call a charge. Coach gets upset and asks how his player can be on the ground and still get a charge while the defender is still standing. I agree it was unusual, but didn't have an answer to the question and still believe I made the correct call. Anybody have a similar situation and how have you handled it?
Phansen, it is good to question yourself about plays. It makes you better. In this instance I would probably leave this play alone, because the defender was not displaced and thus the offensive player did not or was not able to do anything. IMO, save the kid who got his butt knocked to the ground a foul, after all isn't it bad enough he got knocked down, plus it looks bad. This is a good instance where you could have kept the coach off of your back. By no calling it all he would have asked was why wasn't that a block, and you respond with something to the likes of, "the defender beat him to the spot" and in almost all circumstances he will leave you alone, and if nothing at all at least you gave him an answer compared to not having one as you stated. Always allow yourself a chance to let the play go through your "replay system" instead of blowing the whistle instantaneously in reaction to a play. I feel if you had done this, then you would have thought it through and understood that it doesn't make alot of sense to call a foul on the player who got knocked to the floor. This takes time to perfect, but once perfected or at least almost perfected it makes a world of difference, and you will see a great change in the amount of plays you get right as well.
P.S. Don't always try to be a rule book ref, when it comes to plays that involve judgement. The rulebook is a guideline, but always remember there are whistle blowers and there are referees in our line of work. Whistle blowers, just blow the whistle all the time, no matter what level. Referees understand the severity of contact and what the level is that they are officiating and judge plays accordingly. Do not be a whistle blower!