Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Okay, let's go in another direction. Many of us have been umpiring for years (40 for me), many which included youth ball.
Never a problem. Now, after all these years, here come people who most likely were not involved five years ago, let alone a decade or two, bringing my integrity into question. Seems to me it's more like these people are entering my world, not me moving into their's.
Did you ever have someone move into your nice town/neighborhood and after six months start filing complaints and suing people because THEY don't care for where you have parked your boat for the last 20 years, thinks the compost pile you have kept for your neighbor's use the past 10 years smells too bad, is upset that the 100 year oak tree blocks out too my sun from their backyard, etc.?
And one more thing. Who is going to pay for something like this? Do you think the national office is going to do this out of their pocket? Will those not opposed to this feel the same when they ask you to also pay the fee?
Now this, as I see it would be my main beef with an investigation. Aside from the fact that I've got a few youthful stuff that a serious check might turn up - and I wouldn't be real fond of seeing them made "public".
Like Mike said, I too have umpired for close to 40 years without any issues along these lines. Now, relative newcomers want me to submit to something to make them feel good. I see it as a waste of time, effort, and money.