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Old Fri Jan 26, 2007, 10:15am
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally Posted by IREFU2
I thought it was the officials (all 3) responsibility to make sure the clock has properly started and when they blow the whistle, it automatically stops.
So you want all three officials watching the ball and starting the clcok?

No, that's not the way it works. The offiical who would normally chop the clock, starts it. Also, the timer should start the clock.

We have about 10 schools who use PT. Most of the time, it works correctly. Sometimes, you can push you finger through the bottom of the box and it still doesn't start.

Bottom line, there was 4.4 seconds on the clock when Duke inbounded the ball. Clemson did nothing to stop an open layup to end the game. So the Tigers and their fans can sit around, whine, moan, b!tch and complain that they were robbed. Or they can admit, "We blew it defensively!"
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