I said I wasn't going to enter into this, but here goes.
1. Some Christian/Parochial schools have coaches, players, and fans that are jerks.
2. Some public schools have coaches, players, and fans that are jerks.
3. Some Christian/Parochial schools have coaches, players, and fans that are class acts.
4. Some public schools have coaches, players, and fans that are class acts.
5. Some games with Christian/Parochial schools have been a royal pain in the butt.
6. Some games with public schools have been a royal pain in the butt.
7. Some games with Christian/Parochial schools have been a joy to work.
8. Some games with public schools have been a joy to work.
Should Christian schools be held to a higher standard. IMO yes...because of the mission of the school, my Judeo-Christan value sytem, and my understanding of how a Christian is supposed to conduct themesleves on and off the court. That said, all coaches, adminstrators, school personnel, and teachers in all schools are held to a higher standard because of their positions of influence. AND AS LONG AS WE ARE ON THE SUBJECT, WE REFEREES SHOULD BE HELD TO A HIGHER STANDARD! How many times have you been in a ref room and heard the vulgarity and filth spewing freely -- the same stuff that we would toss a coach or a player or fan for in a second and never look back. Last year my son and I were working a tournament. At the referee gathering place the guys were acting like a bunch of jr. high idiots with fithly jokes, horrible language, and bad behavior. My son who was a sophomore at the time watched guys who officiate his HS games and asked me, "Dad, how am I supposed to take those guys seriously? Everything they tell us in a pre-game speech not to do they were doing and saying?" The guys were acting like rejects from jr high. The kid had a point, you know. So before classifying any type of school as being better or worse, take a long look at the person staring back at you in the mirror and ask what kind of example you've been setting on and off the court when you're combing your hair before going on the court next game!
 That's my whistle -- and I'm sticking to it!