Originally Posted by mcrowder
the notion of liberty THEN and the notion of liberty NOW can be and are COMPLETELY different things.
No, it isn't.
Because you missed the point.
I disagreed because I missed the point??? So, it I only understood, then I would agree?? What arrogance.
At least you include IMO in there.
The whole topic is about various opinions.
Well, that explains the arrogant view that if I only understood, I would agree, and since I disagree I must have missed the point.
But we don't live in the same world we did 200 years ago, 50 years ago, or even 8 years ago.
True, and if anything, history since the 18th century has proven Jefferson correct about the trends of government to the concentration of power and the resulting loss of liberty
I'm all for protecting a person's right to privacy, right up to the line where that right infringes on the safety or rights of others, especially those unable to protect themselves.
So, I take from this that you have no use for search warrants. After all, we could better help protect the innocents if the police would, at their whim, inspect the privacy of the pervert's homes.
How can we, in good conscience, invite children to participate in an organization, and tell them to respect authority, without at least doing the very minimum in ensuring that those in authority deserve to have it and are not likely to abuse it?
Show me where there is a problem here with umpires and I might START to listen. Until then, it is yet another useless feel-good action that accomplishes nothing except infringe on the liberty of the innocent.