I have never really had any major table problems - until Saturday night...Visiting is granted a time-out...during the time-out one of the Assistant coaches goes to table to check how many time-outs are left...I don't hear what is being said, but the coach is rapidly becoming agittated and animated, so I hustle over there to see what is going on...the Assistant coach tells me that the scorer won't tell him how many to's they have left...so I ask the scorer "How many to's does red have?" His response was "They get 4 fulls and two 30's." "No, how many do they have left?" I ask...he says, "It's none of your business. I keep the book. You call the fouls. I will notify you when they have used their last one."
At first I just stood there looking at him in disbelief...then I said "You will answer the questions we ask, when we ask them, or you will leave this gym right now and we will get someone else to do the book." At which point he told them how many to's they had left...since there were only 2 min. or so left, he didn't have any other chances to cause problems...anyone else ever come across a situation like this, and if so - how did you handle it?