Maybe we're seeing different plays in our heads or something; but I've seen a ton of plays where the ball handler runs into a stationary defender in the paint (normally a pg running into a tree), and usually it’s a no call. I can tell you this, I’ve never taken a bit of grief from the coach of the tree for a no call. Do you really think the pg is going to turn himself into some sort of human missile over and over again because we just call him for traveling?
Seriously, if the defender isn’t affected at all, then there’s no foul. If the pg runs in full speed and torpedoes him, then I might call it. But for 99% of the plays I can envision with this, you’ve got a pg running in, trying to avoid contact or draw a foul, and hitting a stationary defender who doesn’t get affected in the least.
You don’t call a kid for a minor push when there’s no advantage on the play.
Sprinkles are for winners.